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  药店国别: 意大利药房
产地国家: 意大利
所属类别: 作用于呼吸系统药物->支气管扩张
包装规格: 300毫克 3毫升 5瓶
Zambon S.P.A
Fluimucil 300mg 3ml 5 vials
Fluimucil 300毫克 3毫升 5瓶
acute bronchitis
chronic bronchitis and its exacerbations
pulmonary emphysema
cystic fibrosis
Fluimucil* EV阿尔山10F300毫克/ 3 mL样品瓶(乙酰半胱氨酸注射液) 有效成分:乙酰 形式:安瓿 制造商:意大利赞邦SRL* 储存:无特殊贮存条件 迪戈拉西:特色“随着处方药医 产品类别:医学伦理 包装盒 名称 fluimucil300毫克/毫升3 药物治疗 祛痰,但不包括组合与止咳药。 主动 一小瓶含:乙酰半胱氨酸300毫克。 EXCIPIENTS 氢氧化钠,乙二胺四乙酸钠,注射用水适量 适应症 治疗呼吸系统疾病的特征在于过度分泌粘稠的:急性支气管炎,慢性支气管炎和其发作,肺气肿,囊性纤维化和支气管扩张。治疗antidotico意外或蓄意中毒对乙酰氨基酚。尿路来自异环磷酰胺。 禁忌/ EFF.SECONDAR 公认的过敏症'all'acetilcisteina。 【用法用量】 静脉注射。意外或故意中毒由对乙酰氨基酚:150mg的初始剂量/ kg体重加入5%葡萄糖溶液等体积并在15分钟内注入viaendovenosa。后续剂量:50毫克/公斤给药4小时内输注葡萄糖溶液5%然后是100毫克/公斤,16小时doseulteriore通过静脉内灌注,semprecon葡萄糖溶液的5%。它雾化剂量喷雾小瓶每个环节中,每天进行1-2届5-10天。定的高耐受性“的准备,会议的频率和剂量为每个可限度内改变dalmedico足够大的相对于临床形式edall'effetto治疗,而不需要”来明确区分的剂量之间为“儿科到成人。支气管内滴注给药的方式“选择(永久导管,支气管镜检查,等等)。 1瓶在同一时间一天或按照需要“1-2次。滴注或洗涤ITE或其他空腔'的平均剂量和“半-1小瓶的时间。 储存 无特殊的预防措施进行存储。 注意事项 乙酰半胱氨酸的给药,在治疗开始时尤其雾化,可以“细支气管分泌物和增加在同一时间量;如果病人和'无法有效咳出,避免分泌物的保留是必要借助体位引流,或者可能对支气管镜检查。哮喘患者应密切在治疗过程中进行监测;如果你看到的支气管痉挛ilsuo治疗应立即停药。医药产品是开放的小瓶中,硫磺气味,不以任何方式干扰,但“编制的管理工作。乙酰半胱氨酸保存在打开的药瓶,或传送到设备peraerosol的解决方案,可以“格外承担粉红色,没有cheper本次活动”,并编制耐受性“受到影响。 相互作用 药物可“可与常见的支气管扩张剂,血管收缩剂,等等一起施用。对于目的的治疗和抗生素localemucolitica'最好分别施用Ivari药物,因为对某些抗生素,存在不兼容性'到其同时使用。 副作用 该产品的使用,全身性,可以“偶尔被随后从超敏反应'如荨麻疹和支气管痉挛raramenteda。在气雾剂给药的情况下也是可能的鼻咽刺激和偶尔胃肠如流鼻水,口炎,恶心和呕吐。 怀孕和哺乳 虽然与Fluimucil®动物进行致畸研究没有显示出任何致畸作用,但由于与其他药物,在怀孕期间和哺乳期的管理,应在医生的直接监督下进行仅在确实需要的“。 产品名称Fluimucil®/ ENCORE剂型15A033,300毫克/ 3毫升/放大器。黏液溶解剂适应症,用法用量和管理成人祛痰:深IM,3毫升QD-BID; 1-10毫升20%的溶液或2-20毫升10%的溶液Q2-6ħ的雾化吸入;常用剂量6-10毫升10%的溶液或3-5毫升20%的溶液3-4次/天 Fluimucil * Ev Aer 10f 300 mg / 3 ml vials (乙酰 半胱氨酸 注射 液) Active ingredient: Acetyl Form: Ampoules Manufacturer: Zambon Italy Srl * Storage: No special storage conditions Degrassi: Specialities' With Prescription Medicines Medical Product Category: Medicine Ethics Package Box NAME fluimucil 300 MG / ML 3 PHARMACOTHERAPEUTIC Expectorants, excluding combinations with cough suppressants. ACTIVE One vial contains: Acetylcysteine ​​300 mg. EXCIPIENTS Sodium hydroxide, sodium edetate, water for injection qs INDICATIONS Treatment of respiratory disease characterized by hypersecretion thick and sticky : acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis and its exacerbations, pulmonary emphysema, cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis. Treatment antidotico accidental or deliberate poisoning by paracetamol. Uropathy from iso and cyclophosphamide. CONTRAINDICATIONS / EFF.SECONDAR Recognized hypersensitivity 'all'acetilcisteina. DOSAGE Intravenous. Accidental or deliberate poisoning by paracetamol: initial dose of 150 mg / kg of body weight added to an equal volume of 5% glucose solution and injected viaendovenosa in 15 minutes. Subsequent doses: 50 mg / kg administered in 4 hours by infusion with glucose solution 5% followed by a doseulteriore of 100 mg / kg by intravenous perfusion in 16 hours, semprecon glucose solution 5%. It atomizes a dose aerosol vial each session, performing 1-2 sessions daily for 5-10 days. Given the high tolerability 'of the preparation, the frequency of sessions and the doses for each of them can be changed within limits dalmedico large enough in relation to the clinical form edall'effetto therapeutic, and without the need' to differentiate clearly between the doses for the 'pediatric to adult. Endobronchial instillation is administered with the modalities 'chosen (permanent catheters, bronchoscopy, etc.). 1 vial at a time 1-2 times a day or in relation to need'. Instillations or washes ITE or other cavities 'The average dosage and' half-1 vial at a time. STORAGE No special precautions for storage. PRECAUTIONS The administration of acetylcysteine, especially aerosolized at the beginning of treatment, can 'thin bronchial secretions and increase at the same time the volume; if the patient and 'unable to expectorate effectively, to avoid the retention of secretions is necessary to resort to postural drainage or, possibly, to the bronchoscopy. Patients with asthma should be monitored closely during therapy; If you see bronchospasm ilsuo treatment should be discontinued immediately. The medicinal product is opening the vial, a sulfurous odor that does not disturb but 'in any way the administration of the preparation. The solution of acetylcysteine ​​preserved in the open vial, or transferred to the device peraerosol, can 'exceptionally assume a pink color, without the cheper this activity' and tolerability 'of the preparation being affected. INTERACTIONS The drug may 'be administered together with the common bronchodilators, vasoconstrictors, etc.. For purposes of therapy and antibiotic-localemucolitica 'advisable to administer separately Ivari drugs because, for some antibiotics, there is incompatibility' to their concurrent use. SIDE EFFECTS The use of the product, systemically, can 'occasionally be followed from hypersensitivity reactions' such as urticaria and bronchospasm raramenteda. In the case of aerosol administration are also possible nasopharyngeal irritation and occasionally gastrointestinal such as runny nose, stomatitis, nausea and vomiting. PREGNANCY AND BREASTFEEDING Although Teratology studies conducted with Fluimucil® in animals have not shown any teratogenic effect, however, as with other drugs, its administration during pregnancy and during the lactation period should be carried out only in case of real need 'under the direct supervision of a doctor. Product name Fluimucil® / ENCORE Dosage Form 15A033, 300 mg / 3 ml / Amp. mucolytic Indications Dosage & Administration Adult mucolytic: deep IM, 3 ml QD-BID; nebulize, 1-10 ml of 20% solution or 2-20 ml of 10% solution q2-6 h; usual dose 6-10 ml of 10% solution or 3-5 ml of 20% solution 3-4 times / d Acetaminophen overdose: IV, initial 150 mg / kg IV in 200 ml of 5% dextrose over 60 min, then 50 mg / kg in 500 ml 5% dextrose over 4 hr, Followed by 100 mg / kg in 1000 ml of 5% dextrose over 16 hr . Atelectasis, Two to mucous obstruction; Chronic bronchitis; Acute or chronic bronchopulmonary disease with abnormal, viscid, or inspissated mucous secretions; Cystic fibrosis- adjunct: Nebulization into a face mask, mouth piece, or tracheostomy: 2-20 ml of the 10% sol'n q2-6 h; usual dose 6-10 ml of the 10% sol'n 3-4 times / d. Nebulization into a tent or Croupette: individualize treatment; use the volume of the 10% That will maintain a very heavy mist in the tent or Croupette. direct instillation into tracheostomy: 1-2 ml of 10% may be sol'n Given as Often as every hour; usual dose is 1-2 ml of a 10% sol'n q1-4h. Percutaneous intratracheal catheter: 2-4 ml of 10% sol'n every 1-4 h via a syringe attached to the catheter. Diagnostic procedures on lower respiratory tract: diagnostic bronchial studies: 2-4 ml of the 10% sol'n 2 to 3 times prior to the procedure by nebulization or by instillation intratracheally. Pediatric Acetaminophen overdose: IV, initial 150 mg / kg over 60 min, then 50 mg / kg IV over 4 hr, Followed by 100 mg / kg IV over 16 hr. Atelectasis two to mucous obstruction; Chronic bronchitis; Acute or chronic bronchopulmonary disease with abnormal, viscid, or inspissated mucous secretions; Cystic fibrosis- adjunct: Nebulization into a face mask, mouth piece, or tracheostomy: 2-20 ml of the 10% sol'n q2-6 h; usual dose 6-10 ml of the 10% sol'n 3-4 times / d. Nebulization into a tent or Croupette: individualize treatment; use the volume of the 10% That will maintain a very heavy mist in the tent or Croupette. direct instillation into tracheostomy: 1-2 ml of 10% may be sol'n Given as Often as every hour; usual dose is 1-2 ml of a 10% sol'n q1-4h. Percutaneous intratracheal catheter: 2-4 ml of 10% sol'n every 1-4 h via a syringe attached to the catheter. Diagnostic procedures on lower respiratory tract: diagnostic bronchial studies: 2-4 ml of the 10% sol'n 2 to 3 times prior to the procedure by nebulization or by instillation intratracheally. contraindication hypersensitivity to acetylcysteine ​​products. Precaution Adverse reaction bronchospasm; GI upset; stomatitis; rhinorrhea; headache; tinnitus; urticaria; chills; fever; hemoptysis; anaphylactic reactions Drug Interaction Pregnancy Category B
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