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  药店国别: 荷兰药房
产地国家: 荷兰
所属类别: 心血管系统药物->降胆固醇
包装规格: 40/160毫克 30片/盒
Red Swan
Pravafenix 40/160mg 30 tabs
fenofibrate / pravastatin
Pravafenix 40/160毫克 30片/盒
high cholesterol
它是什么和如何使用它? 你的药的名称是Pravafenix 。它含有两种活性物质:普伐他汀和非诺贝特。两者都是胆固醇/脂质修饰的药物。   Pravafenix用于除低脂肪饮食的成年人 为了降低你的“坏”胆固醇(低密度脂蛋白胆固醇)的水平。这是通过降低总胆固醇水平,和脂肪物质在血液中称为甘油三酯。 提高你的“好”胆固醇(高密度脂蛋白胆固醇)的水平。 我应该知道的胆固醇和甘油三酯? 胆固醇是在你的血液中发现的一些脂肪之一。你的总胆固醇主要由低密度脂蛋白和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇上升。 低密度脂蛋白胆固醇通常被称为“坏”胆固醇,因为它可以在你的动脉壁积聚,形成斑块。随着时间的推移,这种斑块积聚可能会导致你的动脉堵塞。这种堵塞可以减缓或阻止血液流向重要器官,如心脏和大脑。当血液流动受阻,其结果可能是一个心脏发作或中风。 高密度脂蛋白胆固醇通常被称为“好”胆固醇,因为它有助于保持从动脉建立的“坏”胆固醇,因为它可以防止心脏疾病。 甘油三酯是另一种脂肪在你的血液。他们可能会提高你有心脏问题的风险。 在大多数人,也有胆固醇问题的迹象在第一。你的医生可以测量你的胆固醇用一个简单的血液测试。访问你的医生定期保持你的胆固醇水平的轨道。 Pravafenix被使用,如果你是一个高风险的心脏疾病的患者和需要改进的胆固醇和甘油三酯脂肪水平在你的血液,当你的“坏”胆固醇水平都得到充分普伐他汀单独控制(他汀类降胆固醇药) 。 你有什么使用它之前,需要考虑? 别拿Pravafenix如果 你是过敏(过敏性),非诺贝特,普伐他汀,或任何Pravafenix的其他成分(见第6节:进一步的信息) 。 你患有肝病。 你是18岁以下。 你患有肾脏疾病。 你有过光过敏(过敏性反应引起的阳光或UV光照射) ,或光毒反应与贝特类药物(调脂药)或酮洛芬(抗炎药治疗期间(因暴露于阳光或紫外线对皮肤的伤害)可以口服或皮肤上的可用于肌肉和骨疾病,和口服痛风或期间疼痛) 你患有胆囊疾病。 你从患胰腺炎(导致腹痛胰腺的炎症) 您是怀孕或哺乳。 你与胆固醇控制药物称为“他汀类药物(如辛伐他汀,阿托伐他汀,普伐他汀和瑞舒伐他汀)或贝特类药物(如非诺贝特和苯扎贝特)治疗期间有肌肉问题的历史。 不要把Pravafenix如果上述任何适用于您。如果你不知道,跟你的医生或药剂师服用Pravafenix之前。 孩子 不要把Pravafenix如果你未满18岁 特别要注意Pravafenix 在你把Pravafenix你应该告诉你的医生,如果您有或曾经有任何医疗问题。 告诉你的医生你所有的医疗条件,包括过敏。 告诉你的医生,如果你喝了大量的酒精(见下文以Pravafenix与食品和饮料) ,或曾经有过肝脏疾病。 你的医生应该做一个血液测试,你开始服用Pravafenix之前。这是检查了解你的肝脏和肾脏都在工作。 你的医生可能也希望你有验血检查了解你的肝脏正在开始服用Pravafenix后。 如果您遇到无法解释的肌肉疼痛,触痛或无力立即与医生联系。这是因为,在少数情况下,肌肉问题可能会很严重,包括肌肉分解造成肾脏损害,极少死亡病例发生。 肌肉分解的风险是在某些病人。告诉你的医生,如果下列任何一种适用于你: 肝脏或肾脏问题 甲状腺问题 你超过70岁 在与降胆固醇药物,如他汀类或贝特类药物治疗你曾经有过肌肉问题 您或您的直系亲属有遗传性肌肉疾病 你有酗酒问题(经常饮用大量酒精) 服用Pravafenix前检查与您的医生或药剂师,如果你有严重的呼吸衰竭,如你的呼吸问题,包括持续性干咳,变质,一般健康,如疲劳(疲劳) ,体重减轻和/或呼吸或发烧急促。 如果你觉得这些症状,你应该停止服用Pravafenix ,并告知你的医生。 服用其他药品 请告诉您的医生或药剂师,如果你正在服用或最近服用任何其他药物,包括非处方药获得药品。但如果你已经被下列任何的处理,你告诉你的医生是很重要的: 胆汁酸树脂如考来烯胺/考来替泊(一种药物用于降低胆固醇) ,因为它会影响Pravafenix的工作方式。 环孢素(一种药物往往在器官移植病人使用) 。 药品,防止血液凝块,如华法林,氟茚二酮,苯丙香豆素或醋硝香豆素(抗凝剂) 抗生素如红霉素或克拉霉素来治疗由细菌引起的感染。 以Pravafenix与食品和饮料 始终把Pravafenix随吃随Pravafenix并没有很好的从一个空的胃吸收。 你应该始终保持你的酒精摄入量降到最低。如果你关心你有多少酒精,而你正在服用此药喝,你应该讨论这个与你的医生。如果你不能确定这一点,请按照你的医生的意见。 怀孕和哺乳 问问你的医生或药剂师的意见服用任何药物之前。 不要把Pravafenix如果你正在怀孕或试图怀孕或认为自己可能怀孕了。如果你打算怀孕或怀孕,立即通知医生。因为潜在的风险对胎儿的药物,应停药。 不要把Pravafenix如果你是母乳喂养。 驾驶和使用机器 Pravafenix通常不会影响你的驾驶能力或使用机器。如果您在治疗过程中遇到任何头晕,视力模糊或复视,确保你适合驾驶,并试图这样做之前使用的机器。 一些Pravafenix的成分的重要信息 Pravafenix含有一种叫乳糖的糖分。如果你已经告诉你的医生,你有不容忍一些糖,服用此药前,请联系您的医生。 它是如何使用的? 始终把Pravafenix完全按照你的医生告诉你。您应该与您的医生或药剂师检查,如果您不能确定。 在开始服用Pravafenix之前,您应该节食来降低你的胆固醇。 你应该坚持这样的饮食,同时服用Pravafenix 常用剂量为成人是一个胶囊,晚上吃饭时每天服用。燕子与水胶囊。采取与食品胶囊是很重要的,因为它不会工作,以及如果你的胃是空的。 当你的医生处方Pravafenix一起考来烯胺或任何其他胆汁酸结合树脂(药物用于降低胆固醇) ,取Pravafenix前1小时,或在树脂后4至6小时。这是因为,考来烯胺或其他胆汁酸结合树脂经常减少药物的吸收时,采取了过于紧密地联系在一起,所以可能会妨碍Pravafenix的吸收。如果你把消化不良补救措施(用于中和酸在你的肚子) ,后取Pravafenix 1小时。 如果您需要更多的Pravafenix比你应该 请联系您的医生或药剂师 如果你忘记带Pravafenix 不要服用双倍的剂量来弥补一个被遗忘的剂量,只是把你的正常Pravafenix量的第二天在正常时间。 如果你停止服用Pravafenix 不要停止服用Pravafenix不先与你的医生讨论这个问题。 如果您对使用这种药物的任何进一步的问题,请询问您的医生或药剂师。 什么是可能的副作用? 像所有的药品, Pravafenix可引起副作用,虽然不是每个人都得到他们。如果副作用,几天后不消失,或您以其他任何方式感到不适,跟你的医生你把你的下一个剂量之前。 告诉您的医生马上,如果您有任何不明原因的肌肉疼痛或绞痛,压痛或无力。这是因为在非常罕见的情况下,肌肉问题可能会很严重,包括肌肉分解造成肾脏损害,极少死亡病例发生。 突如其来的严重的过敏反应,包括面部,嘴唇,舌头或风管,可引起呼吸非常困难的肿胀。这是一个非常罕见的反应,如果它发生,可以是严重的。你应该立即告诉你的医生,如果它发生。 以下副作用是重要的,需要立即采取行动。 常见的副作用(影响1到10个用户在100 ) 消化作用:胃或肠道功能紊乱(腹痛,恶心,呕吐,腹泻和胃肠胀气,便秘,口干,腹胀上腹痛(消化不良) ,打嗝(嗳气) ) 。 对肝脏:提高血清转氨酶。 What is it and how is it used? The name of your medicine is Pravafenix. It contains two active substances: pravastatin and fenofibrate. Both are cholesterol/lipid modifying medicines. Pravafenix is used in addition to low fat diet in adults To lower the level of your ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL cholesterol). It does this by lowering the level of total cholesterol, and fatty substances called triglycerides in the blood. To raise the level of your ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL cholesterol). What should I know about cholesterol and triglycerides? Cholesterol is one of several fats found in your blood. Your total cholesterol is made up mainly of LDL and HDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is often called ‘bad’ cholesterol because it can build up in the walls of your arteries and form plaque. Over time, this plaque build-up can lead to a clogging of your arteries. This clogging can slow or block blood flow to vital organs such as the heart and brain. When the blood flow is blocked, the result can be a heart attack or stroke. HDL cholesterol is often called ‘good’ cholesterol because it helps keep the ‘bad’ cholesterol from building up in the arteries and because it protects against heart disease. Triglycerides are another fat in your blood. They may raise your risk of having heart problems. In most people, there are no signs of cholesterol problems at first. Your doctor can measure your cholesterol with a simple blood test. Visit your doctor regularly to keep track of your cholesterol level. Pravafenix is used if you are a patient with an elevated risk for heart disease and need to improve cholesterol and triglycerides fat levels in your blood when your ‘bad’ cholesterol levels are being adequately controlled with pravastatin alone (a statin, a cholesterol-lowering medicine). What do you have to consider before using it? Do not take Pravafenix if You are allergic (hypersensitive) to fenofibrate, pravastatin, or any of the other ingredients of Pravafenix (see section 6: Further information). You suffer from liver disease. You are under 18 years old. You suffer from kidney disease. You have had photoallergy (allergic reaction caused by sunlight or exposure to UV light) or phototoxic reactions (damage to skin caused by exposure to sunlight or UV light) during treatment with fibrates (lipid-modifying medicines) or ketoprofen (an anti-inflammatory medicine that can be used orally or on the skin for muscle and bone disorders, and orally for gout or period pain) You suffer from gallbladder disease. You suffer from pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas leading to abdominal pain) You are pregnant or breast-feeding. You have a history of muscle problems during treatment with cholesterol-controlling medicines called ‘statins’ (such as simvastatin, atorvastatin, pravastatin or rosuvastatin) or fibrates (such as fenofibrate and bezafibrate). Do not take Pravafenix if any of the above applies to you. If you are not sure, talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking Pravafenix. Children Do not take Pravafenix if you are under 18 years old Take special care with Pravafenix Before you take Pravafenix you should tell your doctor if you have or have had any medical problems. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions including allergies. Tell your doctor if you drink large amounts of alcohol (see below section Taking Pravafenix with food and drink) or have ever had liver disease. Your doctor should do a blood test before you start taking Pravafenix. This is to check how well your liver and your kidneys are working. Your doctor may also want you to have blood tests to check how well your liver is working after you start taking Pravafenix. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience unexplained muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness. This is because, on rare occasions, muscle problems can be serious, including muscle breakdown resulting in kidney damage, and very rarely deaths have occurred. The risk of muscle breakdown is greater in certain patients. Tell your doctor if any of the following applies to you: Liver or kidney problems Thyroid problems You are more than 70 years old You have ever had muscle problems during a treatment with cholesterol-lowering medicines such as a statin or fibrate You or your close family members have a hereditary muscle disorder You have alcohol problems (regularly drinking large amounts of alcohol) Check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking Pravafenix if you have severe respiratory failure, e.g. you have breathing problems including, persistent non-productive cough, deterioration in general health like fatigue (tiredness), weight loss and/or shortness of breath or fever. If you feel any of these symptoms you should stop taking Pravafenix and inform your doctor. Taking other medicines Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription. It is important that you inform your doctor if you are already being treated with any of the following: Bile acid resins such as colestyramine/colestipol (a medicine for lowering cholesterol), because it affects the way Pravafenix works. Ciclosporin (a medicine often used in organ transplant patients). Medicines to prevent blood clots, such as warfarin, fluindione, phenprocoumon or acenocoumarol (anticoagulants) An antibiotic such as erythromycin or clarithromycin to treat infections caused by bacteria. Taking Pravafenix with food and drink Always take Pravafenix with food as Pravafenix is less well absorbed from an empty stomach. You should always keep your alcohol intake to a minimum. If you are concerned about how much alcohol you can drink while you are taking this medicine, you should discuss this with your doctor. If you are not sure about this, please follow your doctor’s advice. Pregnancy and breast-feeding Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine. Do not take Pravafenix if you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant or think you may be pregnant. If you plan to become pregnant or become pregnant, inform your doctor immediately. The medicine should be discontinued because of the potential risk to the foetus. Do not take Pravafenix if you are breast-feeding. Driving and using machines Pravafenix does not usually affect your ability to drive or use machines. If you experience any dizziness, blurred or double vision during treatment, make sure you are fit to drive and use machines before attempting to do so. Important information about some of the ingredients of Pravafenix Pravafenix contains a sugar called lactose. If you have been told by your doctor that you have intolerance to some sugars, contact your doctor before taking this medicine. How is it used? Always take Pravafenix exactly as your doctor has told you. You should check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure. Before starting taking Pravafenix, you should be on a diet to lower your cholesterol. You should keep to this diet while taking Pravafenix The usual dose for adults is one capsule taken daily during the evening meal. Swallow the capsule with water. It is important to take the capsule with food, as it won’t work as well if your stomach is empty. When your doctor has prescribed Pravafenix along with colestyramine or any other bile acid binding resins (medicines for lowering cholesterol), take Pravafenix 1 hour before, or 4 to 6 hours after the resin. This is because colestyramine or other bile acid binding resins frequently reduce the absorption of medicines when taken too closely together and so may impede the absorption of Pravafenix. If you take indigestion remedies (used to neutralise acid in your stomach), take Pravafenix 1 hour after. If you take more Pravafenix than you should Please contact your doctor or pharmacist If you forget to take Pravafenix Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose, just take your normal amount of Pravafenix at the usual time the next day. If you stop taking Pravafenix Do not stop taking Pravafenix without first discussing it with your doctor. If you have any further questions on the use of this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist. What are possible side effects? Like all medicines, Pravafenix can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them. If the side-effects don’t go away after a few days, or you feel unwell in any other way, talk to your doctor before you take your next dose. Tell your doctor straight away if you have any unexplained muscular pain or cramps, tenderness, or weakness. This is because on very rare occasions, muscle problems can be serious, including muscle breakdown resulting in kidney damage, and very rarely deaths have occurred. Sudden severe allergic reactions including swelling of the face, lip, tongue or wind pipe which can cause great difficulty in breathing. This is a very rare reaction which can be serious if it occurs. You should tell your doctor immediately if it happens. The following side effects are important and will require immediate action. Common side effects (affects 1 to 10 users in 100) Digestive effects: gastric or intestinal disorders (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and flatulence, constipation, dry mouth, upper abdominal pain with bloating (dyspepsia), burping (eructation)). Effects on liver: raised serum transaminases.
更新日期: 2013-08-29
调控比例: 100%
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