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  药店国别: 英国药房
产地国家: 英国
所属类别: 神经系统药物->治疗精神分裂症
包装规格: 210毫克/瓶
Eli Lilly
ZYPADHERA INJ 210mg/vial
ZYPADHERA注射剂 210毫克/瓶

 详细处方信息以本药内容附件PDF文件(20124522065132.PDF,20124522054715.PDF,20124522053132.PDF)的“原文Priscribing Information”为准

    礼来公司近日表示欧洲人用药委员会(CHMP)已批荐批准奥氮平长效注射剂(Olanzapine Long-acting Injection (LAI))用于作为成人精神分裂症患者的维持疗法,在欧洲的商品名将为Zypadhera。
    Olanzapine LAI为一种创新的奥氮平制剂,结合了帕莫酸盐持续释放时间达可达4周。在10月初该药在新西兰获得上市批准。目前该药正在美国、加拿大、澳大利亚及其它国家申请上市。

    丹麦医药管理局已批准给予Lilly公司的精神分裂症治疗药ZypAdhera(olanzaipine pamoate monohydrate,双羟萘酸奥氮平单水合物)一般性补偿,该药是规格为210、300和405mg的粉剂,供混悬剂用。此药已于去年获欧盟批准。但该机构拒绝批准给予第一三共公司用于治疗急性冠脉综合征、心肌梗死和全身性血栓形成的Efient(prasugrel)补贴。

健保药品 - Nodoff 纳得复膜衣锭 , Okpine 思克明膜衣锭 , Olandus 欧乐平膜衣锭 , Zyprexa 金普萨膜衣锭.
美国-  ZyPREXA;; ZyPREXA Relprevv; ZyPREXA Zydis
加拿大 -  Apo-Olanzapine; PHL-Olanzapine ODT; PMS-Olanzapine; PMS-Olanzapine ODT; Riva-Olanzapine ODT; Sandoz-Olanzapine ODT; Teva-Olanzapine OD; Zyprexa; Zyprexa Zydis
Zypadhera (捷克 , 德国, 丹麦, 法国,  爱尔兰, 荷兰,挪威, 葡萄牙, 瑞典);
Zyprexa (阿根廷, 奥地利,澳大利亚, 比利时, 巴西,瑞士, 智利, 德国, 丹麦, 西班牙,  芬兰, 法国,  希腊, 香港,印尼, 爱尔兰, 以色列,义大利,马利,  马尔他,  墨西哥, 马来西亚,  荷兰,挪威, 纽西兰) 秘鲁, 菲律宾, 巴基斯坦, 波兰, 葡萄牙, 俄罗斯, 瑞典, 新加坡, 斯洛伐克, 泰国, 土耳其, 委内瑞拉, 南非); Zyprexa Velotab (奥地利,比利时,瑞士, 德国, 丹麦, 西班牙, 芬兰, 法国,  希腊, 爱尔兰, 义大利,马尔他, 荷兰,挪威, 波兰, 葡萄牙, 俄罗斯, 瑞典, 斯洛伐克, 土耳其); Zyprexa Zydis (阿根廷, 香港,印尼, 马来西亚, 纽西兰) 新加坡, 泰国)

     Olanzapine 为第二代『非典型』精神病药物,主要用於精神分裂症及其它明显有正性及/或负性之精神病,双极性疾患之躁期发作,预防双极性疾患之复发。它也可与锂盐(Lithium) 或valproic acid合并使用以控制躁郁症。除了产品标签所核准精神分裂适应症外、非典型精神病药物常被医师广泛的运用到治疗焦虑症、强迫症等。
     非典型精神病药物的作用机制与大多数精神药物一般,仍然未知、但相信它们主要作用於脑部神经传导物质多巴胺(Dopamine)或血清素(Serotonine) 的感受器官而产生疗效。相较『传统』的抗精神药物,『非典型』抗精神病较不会引起明显的锥体外径副作用。『非典型』抗精神病药除了可以改善精神分裂症的正性症状如幻觉、妄想、行为怪异及语无伦次等,对於负性症状如社交退缩、缺乏逻辑、情绪冷漠、兴趣缺乏等也具有疗效。

     Olanzapine 通常一天服用一次,空腹或与食物并用均可。由於药物具有镇静安眠的特性,如果一天服药一次、最好安排在睡前使用、不论是早上或是晚上服用,最好养成每天在固定时间服药的良好习惯,以避免忘记服药。。当开始服药,尤其在前几个星期的治疗期间,医生会依个人的临床症状,使用较低剂量并逐步增加剂量以降低副作用的可能,待稳定後再保持每日维持剂量,病患应该依照医师指示服用。在服用药物之前,如果有不了解的部分,应该要求医师或药师做详细的解释。此药的药效通常需2至4周才会发生作用,病患应遵循医师指示服药、在未经医师许可前,不可自行停药。

     Olanzapine可能使体内血糖浓度增高、导致糖尿病及其它并发症的发生。身体过於度肥胖及有糖尿病家族史的病患、发生的机率最大。病患在使用药期间应该定期测量血糖、常运动及保持适当体重、并随时留意糖尿病可能症状如:容易饥饿和口渴、感觉疲劳  视力减弱、尿频等。若出现高血糖症状时应立即测量血糖值。假若在危急情况下、应该立即通知医师。


     此药较严重的副作用为: 大量流汗、心跳加速或不规则、视觉变化、手脚肿胀、喉咙痛、肌肉僵硬、吞咽困难、排尿困难、发烧或其他感染迹象、皮肤起皮疹或荨麻疹、呼吸困难、无法站立、无法控制的痉挛动作等。通常这些副作用发生的机率较低,但是如果发生时,此可能是药物造成的不良反应,或者是剂量需要调整,应该尽快通知医师。


What is Zypadhera?
Zypadhera is a powder and solvent that are made up into a prolonged-release suspension for injection. It contains the active substance olanzapine. ‘Prolonged release’ means that the active substance is released slowly over a few weeks after being injected.

What is Zypadhera used for?
Zypadhera is used to maintain the improvement in symptoms in patients with schizophrenia who have already been stabilised on an initial course of olanzapine taken by mouth. Schizophrenia is a mental illness that has a number of symptoms, including disorganised thinking and speech, hallucinations (hearing or seeing things that are not there), suspiciousness and delusions (false beliefs).

The medicine can only be obtained with a prescription.

How is Zypadhera used?
Zypadhera is given by deep injection into the buttock muscle by a doctor or nurse who has been trained in giving this type of injection. In rare cases, patients receiving Zypadhera may experience symptoms of olanzapine overdose after injection if the medicine is accidentally injected into a vein. Symptoms of overdose include sedation (sleepiness) and delirium (confusion). Because patients should be monitored by qualified staff for these symptoms for at least three hours after injection, they should receive Zypadhera at a centre with the appropriate facilities to deal with a potential overdose. Patients who have symptoms of overdose should continue to be monitored until the symptoms have passed. Zypadhera must not be injected into a vein or under the skin.

Zypadhera is given at doses of 150, 210 or 300 mg every two weeks, or 300 or 405 mg every four weeks. The dose depends on the dose of olanzapine that the patient was previously taking by mouth. Patients should be monitored closely for signs of relapse (a return of symptoms) during the first one to two months of treatment, and the dose adjusted if necessary.

Zypadhera is not recommended for patients over 65 years of age. However, patients aged between 65 and 75 years or patients with kidney or liver problems may use Zypadhera if an effective and well-tolerated dose of oral olanzapine has been found. A lower starting dose may be necessary in patients whose bodies may break olanzapine down slowly, such as those with moderate liver problems.

How does Zypadhera work?
The active substance in Zypadhera, olanzapine, is an antipsychotic medicine. It is known as an ‘atypical’ antipsychotic because it is different from the older antipsychotic medicines that have been available since the 1950s. Olanzapine attaches to several different receptors on the surface of nerve cells in the brain. This disrupts signals transmitted between brain cells by ‘neurotransmitters’, chemicals that allow nerve cells to communicate with each other. It is thought that olanzapine’s beneficial effect is due to it blocking receptors for the neurotransmitters 5-hydroxytrypamine (also called serotonin) and dopamine. Since these neurotransmitters are involved in schizophrenia, olanzapine helps to normalise the activity of the brain, reducing the symptoms of the disease.

Olanzapine has been authorised in the European Union (EU) since 1996. It is available as tablets, orodispersible tablets (tablets that dissolve in the mouth) and rapidly acting injections in Zyprexa, Zyprexa Velotab and other medicines. The olanzapine in Zypadhera is presented as a ‘pamoate’ salt, which makes the olanzapine less soluble. As a result, the active substance is released slowly for more than four weeks after injection of Zypadhera.

How has Zypadhera been studied?
Because olanzapine has already been authorised in the EU as Zyprexa, the company used some of the data from Zyprexa to support the use of Zypadhera.

Zypadhera has been studied in two main studies involving adults with schizophrenia. The first looked at the initial treatment of schizophrenia and the second looked at the maintenance of response to olanzapine treatment:
the study of initial treatment compared the effects of three doses of Zypadhera with those of placebo (dummy injections) in 404 patients. The main measure of effectiveness was the change in symptoms measured on a standard scale for schizophrenia after eight weeks;
the study of maintenance treatment compared the effects of four doses of Zypadhera with those of olanzapine taken by mouth in 1,065 patients. Three of the doses of Zypadhera were ‘high’ (300 mg and 150 mg every two weeks, and 405 mg every four weeks) and one was ‘low’ (45 mg every four weeks). All of the patients in this study had been stabilised with other treatments for schizophrenia and had been taking olanzapine by mouth for at least six weeks before the study began. The main measures of effectiveness were the time taken for symptoms to get worse and the number of patients whose symptoms got worse over 24 weeks.

What benefit has Zypadhera shown during the studies
In the study of the initial treatment of schizophrenia, Zypadhera was more effective than placebo. Symptom scores were around 100 points at the start of the study, but had fallen by around 25 points in the patients receiving Zypadhera after eight weeks, compared with around 9 points in the patients receiving placebo. The effectiveness of Zypadhera was greater than placebo from the second week of treatment onwards.

In the study looking at the maintenance of response to olanzapine treatment, Zypadhera was as effective as olanzapine taken by mouth: 10% of the patients receiving Zypadhera every two weeks had a worsening of symptoms, compared with 7% of those taking olanzapine by mouth. The ‘high’ doses of Zypadhera were more effective at preventing a worsening of symptoms than the ‘low’ dose.

What is the risk associated with Zypadhera?
The most common side effects with Zypadhera (seen in more than 1 patient in 10) are weight gain, somnolence (sleepiness) and raised levels of prolactin (a hormone). For the full list of all side effects reported with Zypadhera, see the Package Leaflet.

Zypadhera should not be used in patients who may be hypersensitive (allergic) to olanzapine or any of the other ingredients. It must not be used in patients at risk of narrow-angle glaucoma (raised pressure inside the eye).

Why has Zypadhera been approved?
The Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) noted that Zypadhera is effective both in the initial treatment of schizophrenia and in maintaining a response to treatment in schizophrenia. However, it noted that prolonged-release injections are not suitable for use as initial treatment, because the medicine takes at least a week to reduce symptoms and patients may need rapid control of symptoms. In addition, it is not possible to stop treatment after giving a prolonged-release injection, which would not be suitable for patients experiencing side effects. Therefore, the Committee decided that Zypadhera’s benefits are greater than its risks for maintenance treatment of adult patients with schizophrenia sufficiently stabilised during acute treatment with oral olanzapine. The Committee recommended that Zypadhera be given marketing authorisation.

Which measures are being taken to ensure the safe use of Zypadhera?
The company that makes Zypadhera will provide an educational programme for doctors, nurses and pharmacists and a card for patients in all Member States, reminding them of how to use the medicine safely. These will include information on what to do before and after each injection, the differences between Zypadhera and other injectable medicines containing olanzapine, and the recommendations on how patients should be monitored.

Other information about Zypadhera
The European Commission granted a marketing authorisation valid throughout the EU for Zypadhera to Eli Lilly Nederland BV on 19 November 2008.

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更新日期: 2012-4-6
调控比例: 100%
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